These tutorials will walk you through creating animaitons in Arduino IDE using the U8G2 library. You will discover how to install the U8G2 library, create XBM images for use in Arduino IDE, animate the images, create a class and then export the class and create a library.

All code from this video series can be downloaded from my GitHub Repo;

A YouTube playlist of all the videos can be found here.

The tutorials are broken down into different videos in order to make the key concepts more digestible. The videos in this video series are listed below;

  1. Introduction –…
  2. Connecting an OLED Screen to a Arduino –…
  3. Creating XBM images for use in Arduino IDE –…
  4. Creating Animation’s with U8G2 and Arduino IDE –…
  5. Creating an Animation Class –…
  6. Turning the Class into a library –
  7. Using the Library in Arduino IDE –
  8. Tidying up the Class and Using PROGMEM –

1. Introduction

2. Connecting an OLED Screen to a Arduino

3. Creating XBM images for use in Arduino IDE

4. Creating Animation’s with U8G2 and Arduino IDE

5. Creating an Animation Class

6. Turning the Class into a library

7. Using the Library in Arduino IDE

8. Tidying up the Class and Using PROGMEM